Click on the titles in each sections to open up a PDF information sheet.
Current subjects include; posture, cycling, running, headaches and chronic (long standing) pain. I will be adding back pain very soon.
Resources for posture
12 benefits of good posture
Factors effecting posture
Good sitting posture
Good standing posture
Good vs bad desk posture
Text neck
Which posture are you?
Why posture matters
Resources for cyclists
8 most common cycling injuries
Achilles tendon pain
Back Pain
Burning feet
Hand pain
Illiotibial band syndrome
Knee pain
Neck pain
Resources for runners
8 injury prevention tips for runners
Achilles tendon injuries
Hamstring injuries
Illiotibial band syndrome (ITB)
Knee cap pain
Planter facsiitis
Shin splints
Resources for chronic pain
Understanding chronic pain
The strain of pain
Skills to cope with chronic pain
Managing activity levels
How physio can help
How pain affects life
The chronic pain cycle
Building activity into everyday life
The biopsychosocial model
Activity Diary
Resources for Headaches
Keeping a cool head
Cervicogenic headaches
Tension headaches
Sinus headaches
Cluster headaches
Summary of headache types