Moira has 24 years experience as a physiotherapist and believes in a hands on approach to treatment to compliment exercises and advice.
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
University of East Anglia 1998
MSc Acupuncture
Coventry University 2011
Professional Memberships
Health Care Professions Council
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
Physio First
Moira started her career in the NHS and gained a broad base of experience at Leicester Glenfield hospital including musculoskeletal, neurology, general medical and respiratory wards, intensive care and rehabilitation. She then worked as senior physiotherapist in a private hospital for 10 years specialising in musculoskeletal and orthopaedics, but also continuing with respiratory out patients. In 2011 Moira moved to being self employed at Ombersley Physiotherapy working with a large range of musculoskeletal conditions ranging from acute to chronic all over the body.
Specialist interests
Moira is an advanced member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) and has been practising acupuncture for over 15 years. She completed a 3 year clinical Masters degree in Acupuncture in 2011 which enables her to integrate the more common Western approach to acupuncture with a the Traditional Chinese Medicine view enabling a more rounded treatment approach. For more information on acupuncture visit the AACP website.
Frozen Shoulders
Moira is a certified Niel-Asher Technique Therapist which advocates the use of deep massage and specifically releasing ‘knots’ in the shoulder muscles rather than forcing the shoulder joint itself.
Myofascial Release
Over the last few years Moira has become increasingly interested in the way the entire body is linked together through connective tissue / fascia. This modern view of the human body emphasises the assessment and treatment of the body as one unit rather than individual muscles and joints and helps explain why so many people have multiple pain patterns.
Breathing Pattern Disorders
For the last 20 years Moira has had close links with a local Respiratory Consultant and has worked with his patients restoring optimal breathing patterns in patients with chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Something a simple as a poor breathing pattern can have surprising consequences in many areas of health and fitness.