Penni is a qualified Pilates and Yoga Instructor as well as a chartered physiotherapist
Pilates is a system of exercise that focuses on correct posture whilst improving strength, flexibility and balance. It is suitable for all ages and the classes are open to both men and women. Unlike other exercise classes you are encouraged to work with your body and the exercises are tailored to the correct level for different individuals. The only competitiveness is with your self as we all have differening levels of ability with different movements.
Beginners are welcome although you may be required to undertake beginner classes if you are not used to exercising or have any particular difficulties moving, or chronic symptoms.
Any acute injuries or symptoms should be addressed in clinic before commencing pilates.
Penni holds classes in Ombersley and Kings Hawford
Ombersley Memorial Hall
Tuesday morning 9.30 & 10.30am
Thursday morning 9.30 & 10.30am
Kings Hawford School (New Barn)
Monday evening 7.30pm
Tuesday evening 7.30pmAbove is a picture of a class in progress at Kings Hawford
Penni teaches Clinical Pilates – this is different than most gym based classes which tend to assume that you have no health issues or problems. The aim is to address the underlying postural issues and weaknesses that are often the cause of many musculoskeletal pains.
She is registered with The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute which ensures her training is to the highest standards.
Please call Penni on 07795 072 313 for further details or to check availability of classes
There are some videos that Penni put together during lock down in the video section of this website under resources .
Penni has also just set up a you tube channel with lots of great short videos on how to help release your own muscles, strengthen your postural muscles and modifications of exercise positions to enable everyone to have a go.
Click here to go to Penni’s you tube channel – pYpTherapy Pitstop.